Culture & Society Czech Republic News

New TV station CNN Prima News launches in the Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic – CNN Prima News, a new, 24-hour television station launched as a Czech-U.S. joint-venture, officially went on the air on Sunday.

CNN Prima News starts broadcasting in the Czech Republic

CNN Prima News was launched yesterday as a partnership between the American cable giant CNN and Czech private station Prima, the third most-watched TV station in the Czech Republic.

CNN International Commercial (CNNIC) and the Prima Group had agreed to team up in April 2019 for the launch of the Prague-based, round-the-clock news channel. According to the agreement between the two media conglomerates, a CNN reporter will also be appointed on the editorial board of CNN Prima News.

“With the start of broadcasting of CNN Prima News, a new era of dynamic and objective TV news in the Czech Republic will begin”, commented Prima Group executive director Marek Singer. “Which is unprecedented up to this point, and audiences should definitely look forward to it”.

According to Roland Nikolaou, senior director for content sales and licensing at CNNIC, “by combining CNN’s international expertise, reach and content with Prima’s deep knowledge of the Czech environment and local issues, we will create attractive program content that will deliver a unique mix of national and international news.”

Mixing CNN’s international coverage with Prima’s local reporting

Broadcasting 24/7, CNN Prima News offers a mix of international coverage and programs by CNN – with Czech dubbing or subtitles – with national news and segments by Prima TV in original Czech language. The new channel has also launched a website providing online content, available here.

CNN Prima TV will be be ninth television channel operated by the Czech FTV Group, the second-largest commercial TV network in the country.

News channels broadcasting under the CNN brand have already been established in a number of countries around the world, including Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Japan and the Philippines, according to the Associated Press.

Founded in 1980, CNN (Cable News Network) was the first 24-hour news channel launched in the United States.

Headed by Kafkadesk's chief-editor Jules Eisenchteter, our Prague office gathers over half a dozen reporters, editors and contributors, as well as our social media team. It covers everything Czech and Slovak-related, and oversees operations from our other Central European desks in Krakow and Budapest.

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