Culture & Society Czech Republic News

Deaths in the Czech Republic up by 36% in February compared to previous years


Prague, Czech Republic – The number of deaths reported in the Czech Republic in February was over a third higher than the average of previous years, according to new data released by the Czech statistical office (CZSO).

Approximately 13,500 people are estimated to have died in the Czech Republic in February, or 3,500 more than the five-year average death toll for this month of the year (36% increase).

The highest increase in the number of deaths in February was found in the Karlovy Vary region, according to CZSO, where mortality nearly tripled.

The Czech Ministry of Health estimates that over 4,000 people died from COVID-19 health complications during that month.

Annual number of deaths in the Czech Republic, by month. Source: Czech statistical office

The February death toll was nevertheless lower than in January, where the number of deaths reported reached a record-high level of nearly 16,000 (51% above the five-year average).

Relatively sparred by the first wave in the spring last year, the Czech Republic has been badly hit after summer, facing one of Europe’s worst infection and death rates in the first quarter of this year.

November 2020 and January 2021 remain the deadliest months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic.

Previous studies by the Czech statistical office found that the overall number of deaths increased by 15% in 2020, the steepest annual increase since 1945. Preliminary Eurostat data also indicated that the Czech Republic’s excess mortality rate between March and December last year was the fifth highest in the EU.

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